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Privacy statement

ARTICLE 1.                INTRODUCTION
1. This Privacy Statement is used by:

·           AliusEnergy B.V., trading under the name Alius, Volthera and Aelex, with its registered office in Bergeijk, the Netherlands, and listed in the Trade Register under number 54262437; 

and/or our affiliates (hereinafter: "Alius" or "We"). 

2.  Alius is committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Statement describes what Alius does with your data and it applies to all data that can be used to identify you ("Personal Data"), including but not limited to processing on Alius's websites ("Websites").

3.  For your convenience, this Privacy Statement is arranged into the following sections:

·           Introduction

·           Processing your Personal Data

·           Purposes of the processing

·           Legal basis for the processing

·           Recipients of your Personal Data

·           Retention of your Personal Data

·           Security of your Personal Data

·           Your rights

·           Amendments and questions

1.  Alius is a controller under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This means that We determine the purpose for which We process any Personal Data referred to in this Privacy Statement as well as the primary means necessary for processing them. As a controller, We process the data (and categories of them) referred to in this article. There is no automated decision-making at Alius.

Data that are directly collected from you:

2.   Website visitors. When you visit Our Websites, We may automatically collect the following data about you and/or your device: 

·           your IP address;

·           your mobile or other device identifier;

·           information about your browser settings, like screen ratio, screen resolution, language settings, browser information (user agent) and/or operating system;

·           query-string.

Data that you may provide to us

3.  Customers, suppliers and potential customers and suppliers. In certain circumstances, you may want to provide Us with more information about yourself, for instance in connection with a question you want to ask Us, if you are interested in purchasing services from Us, or if you provide or want to provide services to Us.  We may process the following information about you when you contact Us: 

·           your name;

·           your company name;

·           your private and/or business email address;

·           your private and/or business telephone number.

4.   Job applicants. If you apply for a job with Us, We may process the following information about you: 

·           your name;

·           your address and email address;

·           your telephone number;

·           your website;

·           your occupational, employment and educational information;

·           any other Personal Data you decide to provide to Us yourself.

5.  If you choose to disclose additional Personal Data to us, We encourage you to limit such disclosure to the absolute minimum, and We discourage you from disclosing sensitive Personal Data to Us.

Data collected through Our partners

6.  We use the lead generation service provided by Leadinfo B.V., Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The tool recognises company visits to Our Website based on IP addresses and shows Us publicly available information, like company names or addresses. Leadinfo also places two first-party cookies in order to evaluate user behaviour on Our Website and processes domains from information provided on forms (e.g. "Leadinfo.com") to correlate IP addresses with companies and to improve services. More information is available at  www.leadinfo.com. You have an opt-out option on this page: https://www.leadinfo.com/en/opt-out . If you opt out, Leadinfo will no longer record your data.

7.  Third parties may be able to process data about you through Our Websites in order to provide Us with certain products and services. Such third parties may use technologies like cookies, ad tags or ad beacons to collect information about your interaction with the products and services (such as advertisements) they provide through the Website. 

1.  We process your Personal Data to offer you the best possible services, to optimise Our Websites and services and to ensure their continuity. More specifically, your Personal Data may be used for the following purposes: 

·           To provide Our services and for Our business purposes: We may need certain information about you to provide Our services and otherwise to conduct Our business. 

·           To customise Our services: you can customise your Website experience and tailor it to your needs. To remember your customisations, We may process Personal Data about you, like a unique ID and your IP address.

·           To improve Our services: Our Websites and services are constantly evolving, and We work unceasingly to improve your user experience and add new functionality to Our Websites. 

·           To secure Our services: to be able to provide you with the best possible user experience, We need to keep out hackers, automated bots and other threats. That is why We constantly monitor Our services and the use made of them.

·           To protect Our goods and Our employees: to monitor and protect Our goods and Our employees, We have installed surveillance cameras at Our premises.

·           To communicate with you: if you contact us, We process your contact details like your name and email address and any other Personal Data you disclose to Us to enable Us to respond adequately to your inquiry. We may also process your name and email address in order to send you newsletters. 

·           For marketing purposes: Our advertising partners may use information about your visit to Our Websites to show you advertisements about Our services elsewhere. 

·           To exercise and secure our rights: We may have to exercise Our legal rights if you infringe Our intellectual property, engage in fraudulent acts or violate this Privacy Statement or Our general terms and conditions.

·           To compensate Our partners: given that We display and use advertisements, certain Personal Data may be required to calculate the compensation to be paid to and/or received from Our partners.

·           To fulfil a legal obligation: We may be required by law or by a court order to process (and/or transfer) certain Personal Data.

1.  We process your Personal Data for the following reasons:

·           Performance of an agreement with you: most processing operations are carried out to provide you with Our services. We provide Our services based on Our general terms and conditions. 

·           Meeting a legal obligation: We may, in certain circumstances, be required by law to process your Personal Data.

·           Our legitimate interests: We may process your Personal Data based on a legitimate interest, like Our commercial interests. This may include marketing/remarketing and compensation We receive from Our partners. Another legitimate interest is Our interest in protecting Our goods and workers. 

·           Your consent: if certain processing operations have no bearing on Our agree with you or a statutory obligation or Our legitimate interest, We may process your Personal Data based on your consent.

1. Alius may share your Personal Data with the following categories of recipients: 

·           Suppliers: when necessary to enable the use of Websites and services, We may share your Personal Data with suppliers, subcontractors and business partners, like Our hosting provider who hosts the Websites, partners who help Us improve the user experience of Our services and suppliers of IT support, data back-up, recovery services and office software.

·           Group entities: We may provide Personal Data to other entities within the Alius group if this is necessary for administrative, internal reporting, auditing or security purposes.

·           Business service providers: Our accountant, legal advisors and other professional service providers that We engage for compliance reasons;

·           Advertising partners: information about your Website visit may be disclosed to advertising partners to enable them to show you relevant advertisements on Our Websites and elsewhere, and to measure the effectiveness of such advertisements.

·           Marketing partners: We may share Personal Data with third parties who help Us market Our services, create, deliver and measure brand experiences and help Us make better strategic decisions. 

·           Law enforcement bodies: We may be required to disclose your data to law enforcement, regulatory, court or other government bodies in relation to a court order. In addition, We may disclose your data to law enforcement and regulatory bodies as well as to courts or other authorities in order to exercise Our rights.

·           Fraud prevention: We may engage third parties if We consider that disclosure is necessary to investigate, prevent, or respond to suspected illegal or fraudulent activity, or to protect Our, Our users or others' safety, rights, or property.

·           Third parties: We may transfer data to third parties who want to acquire or merge with Alius or who purchase some or all of Our assets, or in the event of a corporate restructuring.

2. The third parties who receive or have access to your Personal Data may be located outside the European Economic Area (EEA). One example is Google Analytics. When transferring Personal Data to countries outside the EEA (so-called "third countries"), We ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place. More specifically, We contractually require recipients of Personal Data to protect your data using the Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) approved by the European Commission. We will assess in advance (with the assistance of third-country recipients where necessary) on a case-by-case basis whether the relevant third country's legislation or practices compromise the effectiveness of these SCCs. In those cases, We will take additional measures to fill any gaps in the protection and bring it up to the level required by EU legislation. 

1.  We retain your Personal Data for as long as is necessary for the purposes described above. After that, We may continue to retain your Personal Data if required or necessary to comply with the applicable law or to satisfy any statutory, reporting or audit requirements, like the seven-year retention period for tax purposes. Where possible, We anonymise or pseudonymise your Personal Data or retain them solely in aggregate form. We do not retain camera images for more than four weeks unless there is a basis for retaining them for longer, for example in the case of theft or vandalism. 

1.  We are committed to processing your Personal Data securely. We therefore take security measures such as, but not limited to:  

·           pseudonymising and encrypting Personal Data, where possible;

·           ensuring the ongoing confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of processing systems and services;

·           restoring the availability of and access to Personal Data in a timely manner in the event of a physical or technical incident; and

·           maintaining a process for regularly testing, assessing and evaluating the effectiveness of technical and organisational measures to ensure the security of the processing.

1. You have the following rights: 

·           Objection: in certain conditions, you have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data and the conditions that apply to that processing.  

·           Access: you have the right to request from Us, without limitation, at reasonable intervals and without undue delays or expense, (i) confirmation as to whether or not your Personal Data are being processed, (ii) information regarding the purposes of that processing, (iii) the categories of Personal Data concerned, and (iv) the identities of recipients or categories of recipients with whom those Personal Data are being shared.

·           Rectification, limitation, erasure, blocking or removal: subject to certain conditions, you are entitled to the rectification, limitation, erasure, blocking or removal of your Personal Data that are not being processed in accordance with data protection laws and regulations, particularly if those data are incomplete or inaccurate. 

·           Data portability: subject to certain conditions, you have the right to receive your Personal Data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to transfer them.

·           Withdrawal of consent: if We process Personal Data concerning you on the basis of your prior consent, you may withdraw that consent at any time.

·           Complaint to the competent supervisory authority: you have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent data protection authorities, for example the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Dutch DPA) in the Netherlands. 

2. You can exercise these rights by contacting us at info@alius.nl. 

3. In order to comply with your requests to exercise your rights set out above, We may ask you for specific additional information to identify you. We collect and process such specific data solely in order to implement your rights listed above to the extent of your request.

1.  Alius may amend this Privacy Statement at any time. If We do so, the amended Privacy Statement will be made available to you by being posted on Our Website. 

2.  If after reading this Privacy Statement you have any questions or would like to exercise any of the rights set out in this Privacy Statement, please do not hesitate to contact Us at info@alius.nl.