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Weheat Hybrid compact indoor unit

WHC - Hybrid indoor unit
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The Weheat Hybrid compact indoor unit is designed to seamlessly integrate with the outdoor unit. By using the indoor unit, you create an efficient, reliable, and user-friendly heating system. The Weheat indoor unit precisely regulates the temperature of the water supplied to the heating system. The compact unit measures 20 x 20 x 5 cm and is designed for maximum flexibility and minimal space consumption. The indoor unit connects with both the outdoor unit and your home to ensure the system operates as efficiently as possible. The Weheat Hybrid compact indoor unit is suitable for hybrid installations and is compatible with all Weheat heat pump models: the Blackbird, the Sparrow, and the Flint. Please note, the compact indoor unit consists of separate components that need to be assembled on-site.

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Item no., supplier 1025-5740-9200 
Depth (mm) 200
Height (mm) 50
Width (mm) 200
Product warranty 2y